What Causes Wisdom Tooth Pain?

You might be wondering why your teeth hurt so much. What’s happening to actually cause the pain?

Wisdom tooth pain typically arises due to one of these factors:

  • Infection: This is the most common cause. Partially emerging wisdom teeth can create pockets in your gums where food particles get stuck and bacteria accumulate. That leads to infection and inflammation of the surrounding gum tissue.
  • Swelling and Inflammation: The body's natural response to infection or irritation is inflammation. That causes the swelling, pain, limited mouth opening and tenderness around the affected area. 
  • Impaction: Wisdom teeth often don't have enough space to emerge properly, leading to impaction. This can result in the tooth pushing against nearby teeth and gums, causing pain and discomfort.

The good news, however, is our Wiscare Wisdom Tooth Care Kit is extremely effective in treating both infection, and the swelling and inflammation! 

We use the same ingredients with our patients, in our clinics, as contained in the kit. Think of this kit as your at-home dental treatment, to save you going to the dentist. 

After a short treatment routine, you’ll be back to pain-free smiling, eating without hesitation, and sleeping without the dull ache or throbbing jaw.

“What about impaction? If I have impacted teeth, can you still help?”

Yes! You’ll need a dentist to extract the offending tooth eventually, but in the meantime our kit can reduce the swelling, inflammation and tenderness that comes as a result of one misbehaving tooth pushing against another one.

By the way, if your pain keeps recurring more and more frequently, we do recommend a trip to the dentist to get some or all of your wisdom teeth taken out. Without this intervention, your pain will likely continue indefinitely. Please seek advice from your local dentist if this is the case.

We’ve designed the Wiscare Wisdom Tooth Care Kit to help you keep the pain at bay until you’re ready for a full extraction - it’s not a solution to avoid the dentist forever!