Meet Dr John and Dr Jack

Our mission is simple: to bring the same level of care that patients receive in our practices to the comfort of your home.

The Wiscare 5-in-1 Wisdom Tooth Care Kit was created by two dentists, Dr. John and Dr. Jack, who are currently based in Perth, Western Australia. 

Dr John loves fresh seafood, as in, jump-out-of-the-ocean-and-onto-his-plate fresh, and is currently (trying) to learn Spanish. Hola Dr John! Through his years as a dentist, he’s treated some very high profile celebrities, but _apparently_ he’s not allowed to tell us who they are. 

Dr Jack loves sushi, and staying active in his spare time by playing various sports. He was actually a kids tennis coach when he was younger, and after knocking more than his fair share of teeth out from mis-placed serves, found his calling in putting those teeth back together. (I MIGHT have made that part up… I’m sure he had a lovely serve.)

They both said they brush twice a day to keep their own pearly whites in top shape.

I asked them “Why Wiscare?” And this is what they had to say:

“We originally met at the University of Leeds in 2006, and since then we have both worked in dental care worldwide. We've seen the agony of wisdom tooth pain and the challenges people face in accessing affordable care.

Our mission is simple: to bring the same level of care that patients receive in our practices to the comfort of your home. By providing this at a fraction of the cost and faster than local appointments, we're changing lives one smile at a time. Join us in making dental care accessible to all.”

Wiscare is based in Australia. All products are shipped from Perth, WA, to all parts of Australia and selected countries overseas. While you get relief from your wisdom tooth pain, you can take pride in supporting an Aussie small business, bringing affordable, quality dental care to all.